Maryland Forward Party

About Forward

More unites us than divides us.

The Forward Party stands for doing, not dividing. That means rejecting political extremes and working together to take real action on every important issue for the unrepresented majority in American politics. We're not building a copy of the current parties, which are dragging our country backwards. We're moving American politics forward, with a party focused on innovative, collaborative, and common-sense solutions that work for the majority.
About Forward

We're not just a new party, we're a new kind of party.


Our Party is structurally different from the two major parties. We’re not just a new party, we’re a new kind of party. Forward party establishes a value-based not policy-based system, then the party aligns with candidates with shared values, who then have full autonomy to establish their own policies to most authentically represent their constituents.

About Forward

Let's Move Maryland Politics Forward!


  Join the team to help save democracy and fix our broken government. The work of building a...

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