Maryland Forward Party

Baltimore Virtual Public Forum 10/23/24


This November Baltimore voters will be asked if they want to reduce the size of the City Council from 14 to 8 districts. This question is nuanced and complex and we would like to help shed light on the issue by bringing together leaders in our community. We plan learn the pros and cons of this proposed Charter Amendment by discussing, and then prioritizing, the potential problems facing this specific issue of Council size. By prioritizing the potential problems, we hope to inform voters and target meaningful solutions.

Please come join us for a virtual public forum.

What: A public discussion regarding ballot measure “Question H” - Reducing the Size of the City Council.

When: Wednesday October 23, 2024 | 7-8:30pm.

Where: Virtually via Zoom - participation link will be sent via the email RSVP confirmation.

Will you come ?

Event Date:
October 23, 2024 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Event Location:
Baltimore, MD 21231
United States
Google map and directions
PJ Benenati ·
Christy Frink Luciano Benenati Jeffery Arrington Quinyardo McClain Billy Dalton Pamela Cheeseboro Ellen Woolford Whitney Osterhout Kevin Gaughan Kim Lane Adam Willis Mary Scholl Angie Williams Richard Cresiski Lois Hybl Erica Denner Matt Hines Ashley Esposito Adam Wise Vaughn Miller Aprille Weron Pamela Green Pauline Charles Dorothy Cunningham Jay Steinmetz Matt Munroe Benjamin Smith Prof. Marshal Kristsanapong Wimonsin, PhD Crystal Parker Pete Ok Mona Addison

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