Maryland Forward Party

January 6 Pardons Unconscionable

27 January, 2025

President Trump Pardons Almost all January 6 Insurrectionists

by Matthew Beyers, Maryland Forward Party Board Member, speaking as himself.

As reported January 20, 2025, President Trump has pardoned almost all of the January 6 insurrectionists (Politico, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News). I find this action utterly unconscionable and I'll tell you why.

In my 53 years as a citizen of this great nation, I have never seen an act showing more blatant disregard for the rule of law. I've lived through Watergate and seen the pardon of President Nixon. I watched Bill Clinton being impeached for lewd acts. And I've seen our Presidents launch immoral wars predicated on false facts that have cost thousands of lives (President George W. Bush). But I have never seen a President, sworn to uphold the rule of law and our Constitution, pardon convicted murders and insurrectionists. Today I'm appalled. 

I understand that some of these individuals were convicted of misdemeanors and I could allow for pardons/commutations in some cases, however, I witnessed what happened on January 6. I watched it on LIVE TV. I SAW the attacks on police, the bear spray being used, the attacks on news reporters, the swinging of flag poles into police officers heads - there's just no excuse for that kind of action, and I cannot, in good conscience, understand how anyone could call them hostages.

I was raised to respect the rule of law and if you chose not to respect that rule, then you'd suffer the consequences. There was nothing political about these convictions - these people were caught on video, audio, witnessed against in court, etc. and duly prosecuted and convicted by a jury of their peers of crimes against the United States of America in an attempt to foment revolution and prevent our Constitution from being properly respected and enforced. There is no excuse in my mind for the action of this President and I will use all my power to protest against such unfair treatment of the American Public. Keep in mind, these people killed Capitol Police Officers performing their duty. Last I heard, cop killers were punished, not pardoned. I think these people should be in jail to protect the rest of us from their disregard for the social contract we Americans uphold - the Constitution of the Unites States.

Unless our nearly 250 year political experiment is over? Are we to return to the rule of kings? Is the Constitution dead? I hope not. That is why I've joined Forward. It's clear to me that the two major political parties are leading us further and further into tribalism - blue/red, black/white, good/bad. Personally, I think there's a lot more grey in this world, some moral ambiguity between good and bad, some purple between blue and red. We're working to become a political party in the State of Maryland to bridge these divides and show people that there is another choice - a choice for the common good and not just for the extremists on opposite sides. Join me socially in Frederick to hear more about changing the way we do politics with more conversation, less conflict, and respect for the rule of law.

If you disagree with me, I hope you'll have a polite conversation with me and tell my why I'm wrong. If you agree with me, I'd also like to hear that in the comments.

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