Maryland Forward Party

MD Statewide Meeting

Join our next statewide meeting to make your voice heard and get updates on current activities.

PLEASE RSVP so we can know who's coming!

WHEN:  Second Tuesday of the Month - 7:00 pm

HOW Click Here to Join Google Meeting 



Will you come ?

Event Date:
November 14, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Event Location:
Virtual - Google Meeting
Google Meet, MD
United States
Google map and directions
Maryland Forward Party ·
Brian Burton West Thach Adam Wise Pj Benenati Robert Benton Miguel Salcedo Tonya Sweat Benjamin Smith James Roe Bill Stewart Robert Brooking Jim McBride David Brown Brandon Barrett Pete Ok Timothy Coffelt Jeff Fuchs Matthew Beyers

Who's RSVPing

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