Maryland Forward Party

Moving Maryland Forward at the Hagerstown Pride Festival!

11 July, 2023

Maryland Forward came to Hagerstown on Saturday, July 8th, for the Hagerstown Pride festival in Doubs Woods Park.

The festival was a lively event, with good food, music, and many residents of Hagerstown and the surrounding area – including Pennsylvania and West Virginia! – interested in the Forward message. We talked with people about allowing more choices in elections, giving independent voters a greater say, and the Forward Party's big tent, bottom-up approach to politics. It apparently struck a chord – we got nearly 100 signatures for our party petition. Thank you, Hagerstown! We're excited about moving Maryland Forward together.


Yes, you! Forward Maryland's newest volunteer, David Brown, acquitted himself like a champ and talked captivatingly to dozens of people at the event.



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