Maryland Forward Party

Join us at Potomac Day!


The Maryland Forward Party is going to Potomac Day to join the festivities at just about the peak of the fall season: October 21, 2003 from 9am to 3pm.

This is a long-running, yearly event where community leaders and residents of Potomac, Maryland, congregate for a fall festival. There's a parade, children's festival, business fair and much more. We'll be hosting a booth to collect signatures to ensure we are recognized as a political party in Maryland, and to spread the word about who we are and what we stand for. We also plan to march in the Potomac Day parade!

WHO: You! Forward Party volunteers

WHAT: Talking to people OR helping with data entry for petition signatures.

WHEN: Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 9:00am to 3:00pm

WHERE: Downtown Potomac, MD, in the Potomac Promenade shopping center. Our booth will be in the parking lot to the left of the Wells Fargo building if you enter the shopping center from Falls Road.

WHY: To collect signatures to make Forward an officially recognized political party in Maryland, and to let our fellow Marylanders know who we are and what we stand for!

This event is rain or shine. Setup will begin at 8:15am and the event kicks off at 9:00am. Parade line-up begins at 9:30 on Potomac Manors Drive, and the parade itself begins at 10:30am. The festival winds down at 3:00pm. Feel free to join us for all our part of the event!



The event organizers suggest parking at one of the following two locations: 

Bank of America: 10000 Falls Rd, Potomac, MD 20854

Potomac Elementary: 10311 River Rd, Potomac, MD 20854


From I-270 (Southbound): Take Exit 5 for MD-189 S/Falls Road. Continue along Falls Road for 5 miles until just past the intersection with MD-190/River Road. The event area will be on your right.

From I-495 (Westbound): Take Exit 39 for MD-190 W/River Road. Continue along River Road for about 3 miles, then turn left at the intersection with MD-189/Falls Road. The event area will be immediately on your right.

Will you come ?

Event Date:
October 21, 2023 at 9:00am - 3pm
Event Location:
Potomac Chamber of Commerce
10220 River Rd
Potomac, MD, MD 20854
United States
Google map and directions
Adam Wise ·
Yan Wang Rachel Myers Amy Singer Benjamin Smith Fitzgerald Mofor Jim Beardsley Adam Wise Matt Hines Matthew Beyers Pete Ok David Brown John Caves

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