Maryland Forward Party

Affiliate Tonya Sweat



Meet Tonya Sweat, Prince George's County Executive

 Moisette Tonya Sweat is an attorney with almost three decades of experience that includes complex criminal and civil litigation, financial and banking regulation, and service as a USAF judge advocate. In addition to her legal experience, Tonya is a small business owner and holds a Master of Business Administration. She also advocates for children and special education, seniors, and nonprofit organizations. Tonya was raised by her mother, a retired public-school teacher and ordained minister in the A.M.E. Church, and her maternal grandparents in South Carolina. She currently lives in Accokeek with her husband, children, and pet chiweenie.


Managing Member, Sweatism Consulting LLC


Former owner of Wing Heaven Accokeek


Former banking and finance director, who managed a nationwide program to ensure
compliance with mortgage, lending, and consumer protection laws


Former federal consumer protection attorney who helped pen the policy behind the Dodd-
Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010


Former judge advocate in the United States Air Force


Appointed to task force and council with Maryland State Department of Education


Served as a substitute teacher in Prince George’s County Public Schools


State and local PTA leader


Policy Objectives - 

  1. Accountability: Ensure County programs are administered impartially, in compliance
    with the law, and address the needs of County residents.
  2. Children: Improve public education and recreational services to prepare our children for
    future success.
  3. Community: Provide services for seniors; ensure public safety; and diversify County
    revenue. Tonya intends to recruit new industries and enhance sports and entertainment to
    attract tourism and relieve the tax burden on homeowners.
  4. Fiscal Responsibility: With a growing budget deficit, Tonya will call for an audit of
    government spending and reduce waste. Special elections cost Prince George’s County
    $2.86 million each time. Tonya will work to save tax dollars and spare the need for
    repeated special elections.
  5. Proven Leadership: Tonya will use her years of experience and skills to revitalize Prince
    George’s County and ensure its sustainability.



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