Zoe Morgan Sydney commented
2024-04-03 00:14:11 -0400
+ Win-Win Ranked Ballot (a sort of averaging of the opinions of all participating) would give us Fulfilled FREEDOM-DEMOCRACYEVERYWHERE. RB is the settling of all questions, (AND the answer to all things). Neither Moralistic Libertarian (sic) Isolationism, nor Spendthrift Promising Everything To Everyone, will allow Freedom-Democracy time to work its magic, though the threat of Isolationism is more imminent than that of poor workers rushing the border for jobs or fleeing heat waves. + RB (the only FAIR thing) would give us a Perfect Marriage of Freedom With an Eye for Justice and Justice With an for Freedom. Without Win-Win, Top Dead Center RB, Freedom-Democracy, the World, nation, Compromise & all Principle are in peril. + National (US) RB (voters ranking candidates in order of preference) is what’s truly SIGNIFICANT to the future of everyone on the entire Planet. Bills Brought Up In Number of Cosponsors Order (something in the Personal interest of each & every Individual legislator) would inevitably give us Win-Win Ranked Ballot (a sort of averaging of the opinions of all participating), which would inescapably give us (inter alia) Sharing The Work (the workweek attached to the unemployment rate), so increasing the relative cost of all mechanisms of oppression as to make them prohibitive, including Dictatorship OVER the Proletariat, among many other things. If not Ranked Ballot (voters ranking candidates in order of preference), then how possibly not Bills Brought Up In Number of Cosponsors Order? Yet some on the left appear to be running to the front of the parade (as usual), like the Forward Party decision to run local campaigns first, as if the educational effect of running for National (or statewide) office would not be a worthwhile investment (win OR lose), just this one time, when there’s not yet been a national convention, so as to set the party on a more moderate direction than the Yangsters are likely to produce. Free campus country club educations come to mind, Spendthrift, Promising Everything To Everyone only on steroids, or by (anti-human-scale, party-centric, counter Women’s Equal Representation, anti-Independent) Multi-member Districts, despite the fact that with RB’s equal chance for ALL parties (AND programs), this admitted, (if you dig deep enough) attempt to preordain the result will be a short term victory at best. Once RB is installed the most Centrist candidates will be winning. NYS’ upstate Unite NY is leading with Term Limits, not (WIN-WIN) RB, as though NYS were a Southern state, even though that would still leave us with the inadequate & unsustainable two-party system, while NYC seems satisfied to sit on its laurels. An entire gubernatorial election has passed without there being a NY statewide campaign (if only for educational purposes). With California’s Open Primaries (for state offices only), how are there not candidates running on it everywhere there? Ultra Liberal Massachusetts managed to shoot it down (cause it was “too confusing” & "didn’t count all “votes” equally", both false. (Additive RB is counting the first choices & then if noone has 50%, adding in the next, & so on, til someone, most exactly in the middle finally does, both explaining RB in a single sentence & using anyone’s vote so long as it uses anyone’s.) What with the gathering storm, better adopted sooner. Is it because they know it’s more Centric than their own dreams? + Quintessential RB would inescapably give us Sharing The Work (the workweek attached to the unemployment rate), cause with RB’s equal chances of winning for not just all parties, but all combinations of programs, someone would always soon be there to stand for FRUGALITY. STW would create such prosperity as would amount to virtual GLOBAL Reparations, mean noone would ever have to keep a job they didn’t like, mean no corporation would ever again be too big to fail, amount to all Powers To Their Lowest Appropriate Level & so increase the relative cost of all mechanisms of oppression as to make them prohibitive, among other things. Being always assured of more work, workers would be motivated to be as Cooperatively Productive as possible, like Amish raising a barn for neighbors. + STW would also do away with the NEED for most welfare, it’s attendant bureaucracy, & hopefully, (dead-end/non-productive) military spending, end compulsive careerism, unsustainable growthism, make-work, foot-dragging, (planned obsolescence, inflation, downturns, irrational exuberance), & hence Global Warming, prevent an organized labor circular firing squad from chasing increasingly empty dollars into the ground, (while dragging Freedom-Democracy along with them), remove government from (corruption inducing) picking of winners and losers, give us a safer, fairer and more frugal path thru future pandemics (with out of phase shifts), & give workers all the Unity and Liberation they could want. + STW is the MANIFESTATION of the Perfect Marriage of the (reportedly antipodal) Principles of Freedom & Justice,. We already have a 40 hour workweek, & a shorter one would not have been inconceivable during the pandemic, (to SHARE both the burden and reward), so STW should not be unimaginable. (STW is way more precise than the recently variously promoted blunt force Four Day Weeks.) + RB needs to be installed nationally, for both our own sake & for the WORLD’S, to effect this, not bogarted, banned or voted down, as HAS happened on both sides. Noone for any good thing could possibly not be for RB. Neither major party could beat STW in a fair contest, cause it’s what’s best for both all workers & all owners. + Top Dead Center RB (voters ranking candidates in order of preference to find the most perfect compromise), would ALSO give us such things as (most importantly, AND in the personal self-interest of each INDIVIDUAL legislator, had they the courage to seize it) All Bills & Motions Brought Up In Number Of Cosponsors Order, random committee assignments, chairs of both committees & chambers chosen by secret (world awash in violence) RB of the members, (not seniority or appointment by bosses, letting those with interest testify, not judge), CONSENSUS chamber leaderships, members of boards of controversial agencies (including SCOTUS) approved by supermajorities, greatly enlarged and targeted, (to women, victims of previous condition of servitude or theft of land & business neophytes), Small Business & Cooperative Agencies, Freedom-Democracy & Feminist Indexed Tariffs & Women’s Equal Representation, (equal #s of each gender, on all committees, from boards & juries through SCOTUS & the Senate, & one of each district’s TWO reps of each gender, women being the only PERMANENT affirmative category, NOT giving them an insulting mess of porridge in exchange for their birthright, none objecting to all committees having Gender Equality, how not the House as well?), publicly subsidized, & publicized, candidate & voter commentary websites (a kind of Electronic Big Brother House), only VOTERS of any district being able to contribute to campaigns in or from that district (or participate?), FRUGALITY (cause even the feds have more than one use for each dollar), GRADUALLY increasing incentivization of renewables over fossil fuels & GRADUALLY increasing taxes on CO2 emissions (even tho noone has the right to even NOISE pollution, so as to not throw out the baby with the bath water), banning Congress from trading in securities, as well as answer so many questions so quickly, the only one remaining would be how to make up to Blacks and Native Americans. Bigger fish to fry. “If any has ought against you, go and make straight your path with them, while they are still in the way, and THEN go into the temple to pray.” Ninety-nine % of the human genome is held in common, giving new meaning to false categorization of superficial characteristics. + WIn-WIN RB would settle ALL questions, on a germaine, case by case basis, both here & worldwide, but the wings would still have power to sway the mass in their direction & propose specific reforms. + Usually espoused (& sufficient for all Good purposes), “Eliminative” RB (“RCV”) has recently won in a wide range of places, geographic, ethnic, ideological & economic.Easiest to explain “Additive” RB is counting the first choices, and then, if noone has 50%, adding in the next, and so on, till someone, most exactly in the middle, finally does. + It’s a sort of Workers’ Job Market now, leastwise in the US, but that might not last forever. Economic Stimulus by going into debt with lowered taxes, or with raising social spending, beyond our means, are both temporary & unsustainable solutions, unlike Sharing The Work, which shares both in downturns AND growth, (& unlike TARGETED incentivization of innovation in PRODUCTION). The currently ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution will increase productivity but decrease available hours, so STW would shorten the standard workweek, but workers would gain more time to keep up with tech advancements. + Dems fail to propose what Republicans might also approve, like allowing health insurance across state lines, health care spending with pre-tax dollars, curing all the biggest killer diseases, prevention & hi-tech nutrition, though these would steal their fire (or they’re afraid that that much might be sufficient). Such Child Tax Credits as there might be ought to be limited to one per parent, or progressively decreased with each additional child, for instance. The Republican HR2 proposes mandatory e-Verify but not ending Birthright Citizenship. (We should let as many in as is consistent with the CAUSE of Freedom-Democracy.) If people work hardest when they work for themselves, then the Greatest Good is to be found in the greatest number owning their own business, something NEITHER side is proposing. Tax consumption, not investment. Tax stock trades, to transform investing from speculation to actual investing. A (corruption reducing) STRAIGHT line income tax, where all Congress gets is to adjust the slope of the line, or give that up entirely for the (more practicable) Value Added Tax. We are in danger of reaching an Environmental tipping point with further melting of the tundra & we face the existential threat of destabilization of the global tectonic arch from growing use of drilling for Geothermal energy. Balanced Budgets before incentivized remote learning, before 24/7/365 open schools, before Single Payer before Guaranteed Income. + RB really ought to be a great sell to the right too, (as soon as they’re done with Nazi hunting?), in that it’s also All Freedom, AND will give us All Powers To Their Lowest Appropriate Level. Noone can claim to be for Freedom, their own, the nation’s or the world’s, (or ANY good thing) & not be for RB. Parties ought to use it internally for the picking of positions, officers & candidates, the difference being who; gets to be a member. (With RB there’d be no more (open) state controlled party primaries, a definite two-edged sword for THEM.) There is no Freedom without Democracy & no Democracy without Freedom. The program of the Real True Free Association is not a program of the Cult of Personality. All things equal, nothing the state does should prevent individuals from doing likewise, nor from entering into contracts with each other. Publicly financed campaigns would remove the last rationale of Dictatorship OVER the Proletarist, the usurpation of the Revolution by monied interests. + RB will give us all this despite the no doubt likely special interest opposition from both sides, but it needs to be installed NATIONALLY. If the new “Nor Right. Not Left”, (Centrist, Pragmatic, Pluralist, Eclectic?) Forward Party proves sufficiently Centrist, taking no more votes from the one major party than the other, it’d avoid the unseemly & inpragmatic Spoiler Effect. It should confine itself to only structural proposals, (& not get down in the weeds of policy) like its own big three of RB, Open Primaries & Independent Redistricting, (perhaps not even STW). Hopefully, its (likely young, left leaning) members will recognize the inherently top dead center nature of RB, as well as the distinct difference between their local political climates & the national one, & not be tempted to impose a Statist platform on the party, which would possibly result in their own & RB’s defeat, as well as Freedom-Democracy’s & the nation’s. All for the sake of being in the majority for one single session of Congress, before the essentially CENTRIST nature of RB manifests itself. Various state programs suggest that the fear is not unfounded, going beyond purely structural concerns. FP’s Board of Directors, however, has declined, this one time, when there hasn’t yet been a national convention, to name a national candidate (even for purely Educational purposes), though that might have set them on their way with a more likely WINNING candidate & program. + THEREOUGHT TO BE A PERMANENTNATIONALDELIBERATIONANDADVISORYORGANIZATION based on Organized Communications. OC is small randomly assigned discussion groups electing reps (by means of (secret) Ranked Ballot, to higher & hight random levels, til one small group, exactly in the middle, remains. RB is voters ranking candidates in order of preference to find the most perfect compromise. (Secret) cause this IS such a violent world. Also, adopt & adapt the Native American custom of the Talking Stick, where only the one holding the stick (mic?) can talk, with the modern modification of giving out pens & notepads, for those afraid of forgetting what they wanted to say by the time it’s their turn to speak. + Let all for RB (including those without Initiative & Referendum, Home Rule, or the means to get on the ballot as an Independent, even if only as a write-in & for educational purposes) run for office promising an RB/“OC based Citizens Advisory Board, thereby installing RB virtually instantly, no matter what ladders are pulled up behind. (Bulk mailings at 19¢ for preselected portions of any zip code are available.) Six levels of groups of 6 would be sufficient to organize any party, 8 of 8, the whole country & 10/10 the world. Additive RB would work best with OC’s small groups. Let all for RB also demand of current office holders & candidates where they stand on RB, write it in, leastwise in their last important contests, &/or wear creamy orange. + Every spare moment, since ’95. STW since before I realized what I had. Huge ”tweet-url hashtag" href=“https://twitter.com/search?q=%23s” rel=“nofollow” title=“#s”>#s of emails, leaflets (at concerts, fairs, demonstrations, conferences & marches), postcards & letters to thought leaders & editors. A dozen full page ads in alt newsweeklies & advertisers. (The Great Committee of proportionality one male and female, of Youth Householder & Elder & of each of the Four Tribes of Humankind (or twelve?).) RSVP. Tell us where we’re right, or wrong, or any not useless piece of information. Help make this message as big as possible. How is it possible a bill which would pass by majority vote doesn’t have enough votes to be dislodged by that same majority? How can we ask it of others if we do not have it ourselves? By their fruits you shall know them + Zoe Morgan Sydney, Movement for Fulfilled Democracy, USA Planet Earth, Some Galaxy Speeding Away To Nothingness
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