Kicking Off 2024 with a Plan to Move Maryland Forward!
The MD FWD board hosted our annual meeting on January 27th. During the meeting all directors on the board were re-elected for one-year terms for the 2024 fiscal year. We are excited to expand the board to include four new members:
- Benjamin Smith - A recent college graduate and active volunteer bringing fresh ideas
- Robert Benton - New to Forward, bringing a legal background that can help shape our path Forward
- Tonya Sweat - A lawyer, entrepreneur, and former candidate, bringing her passion for community
- Adam Wise - Proactive volunteer, dedicated political book enthusiast, bringing his passion for change to Forward
We are also pleased to announce the results of our officer elections for this year:
- Matt Beyers - Re-elected to his second term as Chair
- PJ Benenati - Elected to Vice Chair
- Brenna Vega - Elected to Secretary
- Shiv Gupta - Re-elected to his second term as Treasurer
Following the conclusion of the formal meeting, we then hosted a strategy session to plan for the upcoming year. Our primary focus will be on achieving our goal of collecting 17,500 signatures to obtain ballot access this year. With discussions on how to reach new volunteers, attend additional community events, and focus on fundraising, we are excited to kick off 2024! Check out the rest of the site for details of our financial plans, fundraising efforts, prospectus, volunteer opportunities, etc. Have an idea for change? Email us and let us know!
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