Maryland Forward Party

Bill Stewart
Bill Stewart

About Bill Stewart

Bill Stewart retired in January of 2021 after 50 years of experience with Information Technology solutions. Over 25 of those years were spent supporting the Federal government in operationalizing Big Data for information analytics, situational awareness, Cyber, and C5ISR, and mobile solutions to share that information securely and he held a TS/SCI clearance. He is the author of several white papers on the topic of standards for information sharing and using semantic analytics to support those standards and has spoken at several conferences on that topic.

Bill holds a Bachelor’s degree from Georgetown and a Master’s degree from Columbia and is a Past President of the AFCEA Northern Virginia chapter.

He has been a lifelong Republican but could not support the reelection of Donald Trump in 2020 and has been highly frustrated by Congressional infighting being more important than passing needed legislation. He became aware of the Forward party in early 2022 and participated in several activities for getting signatures to get the Forward Party on the Maryland ballot. The discussions he had with people signing the petition made a significant impression that the frustration with our electoral processes spanned political affiliations, age, gender, and race. He volunteered to take on the Outreach role for the Maryland Forward Party, talking to people considering becoming a volunteer and helping them find roles that fit their interests and availability. He is now the Chair of our Outreach Committee.
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Recent Activity
  • published Events in Get Involved 2025-01-23 17:18:45 -0500

    Upcoming Events

    Past events


    THANK YOU for being a part of the Maryland Forward Party!

    If you don't see an event in your area, you just might be the right person to organize one!  Get in contact with us and we will get all the information we need to get your event on our calendar. You have access to resources, like printables, step-by-step guides on planning your event, and more on our Meetup Hosting Guide.

    Once you submit an event, you'll be in communication with your state or local leadership team. They will help you get any additional resources you need, coordinate invitations (if you want Forwardists outside your personal network to attend), and take you through an approval process. Once your event is approved and made public, it will appear on the event calendar below. If you don't want it to appear on the website, tell your community leader when you speak.

    See all events

  • published Dialogue about Hogan Endorsement in Commentary 2024-07-17 17:42:12 -0400

    Dialogue about Hogan Endorsement

    Today the Maryland Forward Party made two major announcements:

    Endorsing Governor Hogan For the Senate

    Voting Against Trump For President

    These have generated some concerns and negative comments that I’d like to address. I've removed their names to respect their privacy.



    Read more

  • published Join in Home 2024-07-15 18:49:44 -0400

  • wants to volunteer 2024-01-18 16:51:15 -0500


    Communications Volunteers Wanted!


    Spread the Forward Message

    All communications products should strive to meet one or more of our communications objectives:

    • Recruit volunteers
    • Build community
    • Raise awareness

    Visual Content Specialist


    • Manage our Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts
    • Explore expansion to other channels used by our target publics
    • Develop image-based content to be shared across multiple platforms
    • Produce video content
    • Cover events, gatherings, and meetings
    • Educate target publics on our principles and priorities.




    • Publish weekly or biweekly to our website
    • Coordinate with social media manager to share on Twitter and Facebook
    • Maintain consistent voice and structure
    • Generate content to educate target publics on our principles and priorities
    • Strive to make content relevant to Marylanders

    Newsletter Editor


    • Publish a monthly e-newsletter to our website
    • Coordinate with social media manager to share on Twitter and Facebook
    • Maintain consistent voice and structure
    • Cover Maryland FWD events and gatherings
    • Produce editorial on FWD priority (e.g. RCV)
    • Generate long-form content on Maryland Forwardists
    • Boost newsworthy items from FWD HQ

    Book Club Captain


    • Host monthly meetings
      • Virtual meetings initially
      • Explore branching out to in-person gatherings
    • Select and read texts that advance the Forward Party's mission
    • Facilitate discussion
      • Delegate to involve others
    • Cultivate a sense of community


    Become a volunteer

  • donated 2025-02-02 16:14:53 -0500

  • commented on Contact 2023-10-21 11:37:18 -0400
    Hello in return

    Contact Us


    To contact us you can use an email address from the Maryland map or you can use the form found further below. All comments, suggestions and inquiries are welcome.

    Send message