Maryland Forward Party

May 2023 Board Meeting

17 May, 2023

We had a very successful May Board Meeting. If there is any questions please feel free to email us at [email protected].

In the meeting we discussed:

- Board Introductions: Each member of the board introduced themselves.

- Updates from the last statewide meeting: Matt Beyers gave a rundown of all the work that has gone on behind the scenes. Maryland is a battleground state!

- Status of the Petition Drive: Matt Hines presented where we stand with the signature collection effort and announced the launch of the "half-virtual" petition drive 

- Outreach and Events updates: Michael O'Loughlin provided a recap on past events, showed the new event calendar, and issued the call for volunteers with the new volunteer job board, and invited everyone to join our discord discussions.


- Communications Team update: Brandon Barrett went over updates from the communications team, our current opening for a communications chair, our current group outreach efforts and a update on the book club.

- Fundraising Updates: Shiv Gupta presented on our Fundraising goals, having hit the fundraising goal, we are now able to have a 70/30 split with national on all donations made to the state page.

- Looking Forward: Brandon Barrett presented on what the next steps are, where we would like to build, and our upcoming goals.
- Closing: Matt Beyers then introduced Trevor and Leslie, who are our HQ points of contact. Then opened the floor up to Audience questions.

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