Maryland Forward Party

Weekly Update

18 September, 2023


If you missed us last week....

Forward on Market Street

Saturday the 9th was another great signing day, as we set up shop on Market St at Frederick In-the-Streets.  This local tradition brought a very vibrant crowd, including many  happy to learn about the Forward Party and eager to sign our state party petition.  Affiliate Stephen McDow visited our tent and spoke with residents.

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Statewide Meeting

On Tuesday the 12th, in our monthly statewide supporters' meeting led by our chairman, Matt Beyers, we discussed recent achievements and import updates.  View the video below for:

- Intro from Stephen McDow, Affiliate Candidate for MD6 Congressional District

- Intro from Wendy Bozel, Affiliate Candidate for Baltimore City Mayor

- News on additional engagement with potential affiliates

- An insightful presentation from our Priorities Committee Lead, Pete Oliver-Krueger

- A reminder of Forward's values

- County lead volunteers

Join us next time on October 10th!  Our monthly statewide virtual meeting is held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month.



Much More Ahead

Follow the links below to join us in Middletown, Brunswick, or Ridgley to help show our fellow citizens what Forward is all about!  At these events, we listen to other Marylanders, share our values and goals, engage in respectful discussion, and encourage them to sign our petition.  We are grateful for your support!  


Middletown Heritage Festival:  Saturday, Sep 23rd, 9:00 am on Main Street

Brunswick Railroad Days:  Saturday, October 7th, 10:00 am at Square Corner Park

MactoberFest in Ridgely:   Saturday, October 28th, 11:00 am



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